Stop Password sharing headaches

Sharing passwords with others can be a security nightmare. It creates a single point of failure and makes it difficult to track access.


Keeper just announced a better solution: Time-Limited Access and Self-Destructing Records for encrypted, time limited access and credential sharing.

Imagine this:

  • You need a colleague to access a specific file or record urgently.
  • You want to share it easily and securely without compromising your master password or granting permanent access.


Here’s how Keeper’s Time-Limited Access empowers you:

  • Granular Control: Decide exactly what can be accessed and for how long. Set a specific expiration time for the shared record, ensuring temporary access only.
  • Enhanced Security: Eliminate the risk of leaked passwords or unauthorized access. Your master password remains secure at all times.
  • Improved Collaboration: Streamline workflows and facilitate secure team collaboration without compromising data security.


Require more security? Keeper introduces Self-Destructing Records.

This innovative feature lets you create a record and send a one-time share link. Once the recipient opens the record, it vanishes from your vault automatically, eliminating the risk of lingering access.

  • Self-Destructing Records minimize the risk of unauthorized access by being viewable on only one device. Information can’t be easily forwarded or shared further.
  • Both consumer and business users can benefit from this feature. Administrators have granular control, enabling or disabling it for different user roles within the Admin Console.


Keeper goes beyond just passwords:

  • Securely share any type of record, including documents, notes, and secure files.
  • Gain complete audit trails and track access attempts for maximum transparency.


Ready to ditch the password sharing struggle?

Get Keeper today (or request a demo) and experience the power of Secure Time-Limited Access & Self-Destructing Records.

Don’t forget to check out our blog for more security tips and best practices!

If you have questions about this post or want to know more, please get in touch with us.

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