


Customer centricity is key. It’s our objective to deliver support in such a way the customer has a positive and satisfying user experience.



Managed services

Managing a company to a successful business is a very complicated and highly demanding task.

Not only from an organisational point of view, but also in terms of finances, strategy, stakeholder expectations, productivity, etc. the challenges are endless!

Since none of us are experts in everything, your focus should be your proficiency!

By outsourcing underlaying, supporting tasks like the day-to-day operations of your IT environment, you will be able to completely shift your focus on your core competencies!

Auxility will gladly be your esteemed Managed Service partner with a wide range of services supporting both your end users and the local IT department.

server support

In-dept support for the management of your Microsoft IT-infrastructure and end-user environment. Long or short term consultancy, ad-hoc.m

IT Asset Management

IT Asset management

Keeping track of the changes during the lifecycle of each individual asset within an IT environment is an intensive and highly demanding task


Secure Password Management

To help you secure your end users and lower the risk of getting a breach at that level, we promote Keeper Security as a Password Management solution.

Patch Management

Patch management

Keeping track of the different patches for hard- and software can be a tedious, time consuming, frustrating and sometimes endless demotivating task.

End-user Support

Delivering a real customer experience by actively working on both quality and communication.

Smart Workplace Management

We offer a modular managed Service to make your Workplace Smarter. get Ready and Deliver a Smart Workplace together!


is our middle name

Worry free

worry free it support

Velocity and flexibility are key in our philosophy. We provide support both inside and outside office hours and our customers have 24/7 access to a user-friendly tool where they can ask questions and the required assistance.


no one-size-fits all

We provide support customized to the personal knowledge and needs of our customers. On top, our customers are always helped by a consultant they already know. By means of this, we’re able to create a unique customer experience’ in which trust and the human touch are central.



We aim for transparency and clarity, always avoiding an overload of technical information. Auxility makes itself approachable and accessible. Customers are helped with information that is understandable to them and that they can use immediately.






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